Using This Site

My goal is not to make this site complicated or hard to use, so I've decided to include some helpful hints about navigating through this site.

Not all of the sources provided on this webliography may be easy to get a hold of. The websites of course are all free to access and provide quality material. The numerous books, biographies, poems, plays, etc. that are listed are not available online. Going to the library would be the best way to get a hold of these. In most cases your library will not have every copy on this list, so in that case, take advantage of inter-library loaning (ILL) and try and get them from other libraries. Using is a great way to see which libraries own which books and will help you track down those hard to find ones. If you simply wish to purchase some Vonnegut books is always a trusted bet.

For the print resources you'll realize that there are two pages full of them, not just one. The first page is a list of all of the works published and written by Kurt Vonnegut Jr. himself. The second page is a list of works written about the author and his works from many different points of view. I've tried to include all major biographies written about Vonnegut as well as his own materials. The biographies and websites provide many photographs and other resources that Vonnegut's own writing don't contain. I've tried to create a well balanced site that reflects Kurt Vonnegut Jrs. life and writing in it's entirety.

In conclusion, if you're wondering about the quality and scope of the collection, you need not be worried. I've checked each resource and all the ones selected on this site contain quality, reliable information written about Kurt Vonnegut Jr. The biographers come from two main categories: scholars and those who knew Vonnegut personally. As such the quality of these resources is top notch. Also, all the websites included are up to date and contain current relevant information.

Hope that simplifies things a bit. If there are any comments or concerns please leave me a comment on the home page!